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Onyxx Sky
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Green World

What are you doing to protect and live in harmony with the Green World?  Would you say that you have a decent relationship with Mother Earth, or could you improve your connection to her?

Many people today distance themselves from nature. They forget they are part of it. They forget that without it, they would not survive. We are part of Mother Earth's spirit - a part of the Green World.

For a moment, think about the billions of  people who live on planet earth.  As of  today - June 29, 2011, the rough estimate of earth's inhabitants is somewhere around  7,767,919,213 (ASK.COM) but this number is constantly changing!  Now, think about earth's LIMITED natural resources. Picture and image these precious resources slowly disappearing as they have been for decades and as they are even at this moment, through pollution and progress. Sad, is it not?

What happens when we humans carelessly continue to develop and pollute earth's lands, rivers, lakes and oceans? We slowly destroy ourselves and every living creature in our path! Have you ever wondered, twenty years from now, if there will still be whales living in the ocean? Dolphins? The fish which we eat to live? Will we still have beautiful flowing rivers and mountains to fulfill the needs of our souls? You get the idea. Now, what are YOU going to do about helping save our Green World's  natural resources???

"Who? Are you talking to me!?" Why, yes I am. You are just as guilty as the rest of us, so don't pretend like you have nothing to do with our planet self-destructing. What can you do to help, you ask? Some of the most simple conservative actions can help prolong our beautiful and gracious Mother. But, we all have to work together.  Here are some ideas that you can implement into your every day life:

1.  Recycle plastic, aluminum, etc. You have heard this a million times.  Plastic does not dissolve; only some plastics are biodegradable. With all of the garbage one household produces, recyling does help. This is garbage that doesn't lay in landfills. Use seperate containers or bags to sort the different materials until the containers become full, at which time you can take them to a recyclying center. Here is a link I found where you can read more about plastic pollution:

2.  Limit water usage. This not only means turning the water off while you are brushing your teeth or shaving, but utilizing the least amount possible to complete the task at hand. Cut 15 minute showers to 10 minutes by being conscious about how long it is taking you to bathe. Follow local community guidelines for watering lawns. Utilize materials in the flowerbeds that will help hold in moisture, such as mulch, or use a sprinkler on a timer system. Use a rain barrel to collect rain water to utilize on your potted plants. These methods will greatly help not only save water, but money too!

3.  Give and get back to nature.  Get your hands in the dirt!  Plant trees and other greenery to produce more oxygen and make earth an even more beautiful place to live. Through basic science, we know plants produce their own food by using energy from sunlight and produce almost all of the air that humans and other animals breathe. Plants also provide shelter for many creatures and we get some of our own building materials from trees.

There are many other ways to recycle and give back to Mother Earth. Use your imagination, or check out the internet for more ideas. The important thing your part!