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Onyxx Sky
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Real Witch's Sabbat ~ Samhain

For you non-witches and non-magickal folk, Samhain (pronounced "sow-en") is basically here.  It is a pagan holiday which celebrates the end of harvest season. Samhain is the word commonly referred to as Halloween in Celtic-speak. The word itself is actually Irish and is the word for the month of November. "November? I thought Halloween was on October 31st?" Well, yes and no. It depends on who is celebrating it and where.  Typcially, here in America,  Halloween falls on October 31st; however, the Celts (Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man, Wales, Galacia to name a few) generally celebrate on November 1st or 2nd.  This is actually the end of the year for them and the new year then begins.  The Irish call Samhain/Halloween "OĆ­che Shamhna."

If you don't know already, this is the real Witch's sabbat for me, as any real Witch isn't going to miss out on this wonderful night - a night when the veil between this world and the next is thinnest. Hopefully you have explored a few different rituals and have chosen one to do on your sabbat night. If you haven't yet, you still have time but don't delay. As you know, Samhain comes only once a year and it's a special time when magic abounds and invisible doors to other dimensions and times are opened. It is a treat in and of itself - a treasure of history, folk-lore and myth, magickal spells, real Witches' recipes and a night for divination where the future can be revealed into the new and coming year. It is a night to call upon and honor your ancestors, the beloved dead who have gone into the other-world, shadow-world or summerland - whatever you want to refer to it as. When you call upon them, ask them for their guidance and to lend their wisdom and strength to you in the new year.

Now, getting back to ritual working for Samhain. This year, instead of writing my own ritual, I have opted to use a very lovely, simple solitary ritual I found while reading Silver Ravenwolf's book, "Halloween: Cutoms, Spells and Recipes." Though I don't particulary consider myself Wiccan, this ritual is short and to the point, easily carried out with a touching invocation "poem" to your passed loved one(s). Applause to Silver...

Much can be said about Halloween customs and the Witch's sabbat thereof. If anyone cares to exercise their brains and not draw conclusions about what Halloween is and is not, then take the time to research its roots.  I find it unbelievable that there are still grand misconceptions that many people have about this sacred night. It is not a Black Mass or a night devoted to evil. The origins and symbols of Samhain have no connection with the Devil or diabolical rites. So, rather than my giving you an entire history lesson, YOU do the work and discover for yourself that regardless of age, culture or religious point of view, this festive "holiday" can be enjoyed by everyone.  In it may you find your own spiritual enlightment and magickal mysteries to share with friends and family year after year! Have a safe, blessed and HAPPY SAMHAIN!!!

Moon of magick,
Blood for fertility,
Druid fires blazing bright.
Spirits roaming, wail of the banshee,
Otherworld shadows drape the night.

Raven soaring, wings of sorcery,
Eyes like darkness midnight gaze,
Silhouettes gather, moment of mystery,
Born again the ancient ways.

--by G. Dunwich