You have the power to change anything you want to change

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Onyxx Sky
I'm a Witch. That's all you need to know.
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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Well, here I am again, resurfacing after all this time. I hope that you enjoy my blog as I'm sure you'll find I post rather sporadically. let me just say that it has been a rough ride that brought me back here. 

my path and lifestyle led me into dark and quiet places, alone within my own mind where i've found that stillness does indeed provide the altar for spirit. one must practice this often - in this you begin to find peace and when you do, you don't have time for anyone's negativity or ill influence upon your life, whether they be family, friend or otherwise. you allow them the blessing of "you"  and see what they do with then let them choose the door they wish to open and then simply let them in or close the door in their face. unfortunately, i have had to slam the door in the faces of several people in the past two years, people who called themselves my family/relatives, but then those who are your family and call themselves such aren't supposed to stab you in the back, are they? These are people that are poison and as such, family or not, spirit declares that they do not have to be part of my life because they only cause harm. when you sit and listen within yourself, inwardly in that deep, dark space where your spirit floats sometimes, you realize and know that it is only your worth that matters in such a situation because if people wanted you to believe their worth, they would constantly prove it through their actions and words. Some just can't.they are born liars and backstabbers and breed trouble - they aren't happy unless they cause pain for others. sad that such a thing is truth, but we can move beyond those types of people and rid them from our lives in order to move onward because we deserve better. in stillness and silence, spirit teaches us this lesson. 

i have been brought back to this place, my blog, for reasons i don't know yet. if you wish to follow me, that would be great. there are many subjects to share and learn from so let us all begin by going to stillness - the altar of spirit - and listen........