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Onyxx Sky
I'm a Witch. That's all you need to know.
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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What is the Image of the Witch Today? A Documentary...

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Well, here I am again, resurfacing after all this time. I hope that you enjoy my blog as I'm sure you'll find I post rather sporadically. let me just say that it has been a rough ride that brought me back here. 

my path and lifestyle led me into dark and quiet places, alone within my own mind where i've found that stillness does indeed provide the altar for spirit. one must practice this often - in this you begin to find peace and when you do, you don't have time for anyone's negativity or ill influence upon your life, whether they be family, friend or otherwise. you allow them the blessing of "you"  and see what they do with then let them choose the door they wish to open and then simply let them in or close the door in their face. unfortunately, i have had to slam the door in the faces of several people in the past two years, people who called themselves my family/relatives, but then those who are your family and call themselves such aren't supposed to stab you in the back, are they? These are people that are poison and as such, family or not, spirit declares that they do not have to be part of my life because they only cause harm. when you sit and listen within yourself, inwardly in that deep, dark space where your spirit floats sometimes, you realize and know that it is only your worth that matters in such a situation because if people wanted you to believe their worth, they would constantly prove it through their actions and words. Some just can't.they are born liars and backstabbers and breed trouble - they aren't happy unless they cause pain for others. sad that such a thing is truth, but we can move beyond those types of people and rid them from our lives in order to move onward because we deserve better. in stillness and silence, spirit teaches us this lesson. 

i have been brought back to this place, my blog, for reasons i don't know yet. if you wish to follow me, that would be great. there are many subjects to share and learn from so let us all begin by going to stillness - the altar of spirit - and listen........ 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Real Witch's Sabbat ~ Samhain

For you non-witches and non-magickal folk, Samhain (pronounced "sow-en") is basically here.  It is a pagan holiday which celebrates the end of harvest season. Samhain is the word commonly referred to as Halloween in Celtic-speak. The word itself is actually Irish and is the word for the month of November. "November? I thought Halloween was on October 31st?" Well, yes and no. It depends on who is celebrating it and where.  Typcially, here in America,  Halloween falls on October 31st; however, the Celts (Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man, Wales, Galacia to name a few) generally celebrate on November 1st or 2nd.  This is actually the end of the year for them and the new year then begins.  The Irish call Samhain/Halloween "OĆ­che Shamhna."

If you don't know already, this is the real Witch's sabbat for me, as any real Witch isn't going to miss out on this wonderful night - a night when the veil between this world and the next is thinnest. Hopefully you have explored a few different rituals and have chosen one to do on your sabbat night. If you haven't yet, you still have time but don't delay. As you know, Samhain comes only once a year and it's a special time when magic abounds and invisible doors to other dimensions and times are opened. It is a treat in and of itself - a treasure of history, folk-lore and myth, magickal spells, real Witches' recipes and a night for divination where the future can be revealed into the new and coming year. It is a night to call upon and honor your ancestors, the beloved dead who have gone into the other-world, shadow-world or summerland - whatever you want to refer to it as. When you call upon them, ask them for their guidance and to lend their wisdom and strength to you in the new year.

Now, getting back to ritual working for Samhain. This year, instead of writing my own ritual, I have opted to use a very lovely, simple solitary ritual I found while reading Silver Ravenwolf's book, "Halloween: Cutoms, Spells and Recipes." Though I don't particulary consider myself Wiccan, this ritual is short and to the point, easily carried out with a touching invocation "poem" to your passed loved one(s). Applause to Silver...

Much can be said about Halloween customs and the Witch's sabbat thereof. If anyone cares to exercise their brains and not draw conclusions about what Halloween is and is not, then take the time to research its roots.  I find it unbelievable that there are still grand misconceptions that many people have about this sacred night. It is not a Black Mass or a night devoted to evil. The origins and symbols of Samhain have no connection with the Devil or diabolical rites. So, rather than my giving you an entire history lesson, YOU do the work and discover for yourself that regardless of age, culture or religious point of view, this festive "holiday" can be enjoyed by everyone.  In it may you find your own spiritual enlightment and magickal mysteries to share with friends and family year after year! Have a safe, blessed and HAPPY SAMHAIN!!!

Moon of magick,
Blood for fertility,
Druid fires blazing bright.
Spirits roaming, wail of the banshee,
Otherworld shadows drape the night.

Raven soaring, wings of sorcery,
Eyes like darkness midnight gaze,
Silhouettes gather, moment of mystery,
Born again the ancient ways.

--by G. Dunwich

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Healing Stone

Piedra Alumbre...Alum Stone. What is Piedra Alumbre? You've never heard of it, huh? Luckily, growing up my best friend was Hispanic and I am also married to a Hispanic. I have been around the Mexican culture since a very young age, so I've found out some things along the way, being privy to old customs. Here, I would like to share with you some things I know about this special rock and I've included additional information from other sources as well.

Alum Stone is also called "Fire Rock." Its botanical name is Potassium Alum. Sometimes I refer to it as the "Miracle Rock" because it has so many uses.

Utilizing Wikepedia's description, "Alum stone is soluble in water and has an astringent, acid and sweetish taste."

Personally, I have never out-right tasted it, although both you and I have used it in one form or another. For instance, if you have ever used a styptic pencil on a razor cut after shaving, then you have used alum in one of its many forms. Styptic pencils contain aluminum sulfate which is used as an astringent to prevent bleeding from small shaving cuts.

Alum is used in depilatory waxes for the removal of body hair, or applied to freshly waxed skin as a soothing agent.

Medicinally, most people are unaware of its many uses and benefits. Used in vaccines, it fights bacteria by enhancing the body's response to immunogens. Such vaccines include hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and DTaP. 

In crystal or powder form, it can be applied to cuts to prevent or treat infection. This is one of the reasons why makes a good deodorant - in rock form. 

It is frequently cited as a home remedy for canker sores and by pet owners who use alum to stem bleeding associated with animal injuries caused by improper nail clipping.

It is used in toothpaste (as a whitener) and can be dissolved in 5 parts water to shrink hemorrhoids and stop them from bleeding. I have also heard that the rocks can be shaped down and directly inserted for hemorrohoid treatment.

As you can see, this is a very versatile healing stone. If you want to keep some on hand, you should be able to find it rather easily in the grocery store's canning aisle as it is used in canning recipes to keep fruits and vegetables crisp. If you can't find it there, ebay is bound to have it. If you live in or near a Mexican-American community, go to the local hierba tienda (or herb store) or a grocery store that caters to the Hispanic community and you should have no problem finding this wonderful piedra alumbre.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Harvest Moon 2011

For me, the moon has always been full of beauty and mystery. Cloaked in satiny silver, She is the lovely glowing Goddess, patiently watching over us as she effortlessly glides through the passing night clouds.

I am excited that Tuesday (September 12th, 2011) we will be experiencing this year's HARVEST MOON. Why is this full moon particularly exciting, you ask? Because it is the fullest moon of the year. Being the fullest, it gives the most light of any full moons of the entire year. It used to be that farmers would take advantage of the additional light and work through the night to complete the harvest - which is why we call it the Harvest Moon today! 

If you are as excited as I am about this beautiful event and happen to be a Witch who would like to celebrate this occassion as an esbat, I've provided a link below for a short and easy solitary ritual.There may be some adjustments to it you'd like to make - again, I'm just providing it for an easy outline to follow - add or omit where you feel necessary. I hope you enjoy it and have a chance to dance naked under the moonlight! BLESSED BE!

*Although I usually write my own rituals, I find this one to be a good outline and easily changeable to suit anyone's needs. I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Electronic Voice Phenomena

Not all of us have the ability to "hear" spirits. For those who do not, you can simply use a tape recorder and ask the spirit simple questions such as, "Who are you?"  "What do you want?" Allow ample time after asking questions for your ghost to answer you.  However, since the human ear can't hear "white noise" clearly and discernably, I have provided a link for you which gives an entire page of several freeware programs for voice/audio enhancements/filters, etc. Depending on your skill level, you may have to try several of these before you find what you like.  There is much more free EVP software out there, you just have to do the research to find it on the internet. Happy ghost hunting!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Household Plants

Maybe some of you don't give much thought to the type of plants you have in and around your home. Maybe you don't have any indoor plants at all. After you watch this video, you will probably want to consider "adopting" a few plants of your own, not just for the sake of beautifying your living room/kitchen/bedroom, but because plants truly are as beneficial as they are magical. 

I stumbled across this video which tells you the three most important ones to have indoors with you.  Check it out and share it, please.