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Onyxx Sky
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Monday, September 12, 2011

The Healing Stone

Piedra Alumbre...Alum Stone. What is Piedra Alumbre? You've never heard of it, huh? Luckily, growing up my best friend was Hispanic and I am also married to a Hispanic. I have been around the Mexican culture since a very young age, so I've found out some things along the way, being privy to old customs. Here, I would like to share with you some things I know about this special rock and I've included additional information from other sources as well.

Alum Stone is also called "Fire Rock." Its botanical name is Potassium Alum. Sometimes I refer to it as the "Miracle Rock" because it has so many uses.

Utilizing Wikepedia's description, "Alum stone is soluble in water and has an astringent, acid and sweetish taste."

Personally, I have never out-right tasted it, although both you and I have used it in one form or another. For instance, if you have ever used a styptic pencil on a razor cut after shaving, then you have used alum in one of its many forms. Styptic pencils contain aluminum sulfate which is used as an astringent to prevent bleeding from small shaving cuts.

Alum is used in depilatory waxes for the removal of body hair, or applied to freshly waxed skin as a soothing agent.

Medicinally, most people are unaware of its many uses and benefits. Used in vaccines, it fights bacteria by enhancing the body's response to immunogens. Such vaccines include hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and DTaP. 

In crystal or powder form, it can be applied to cuts to prevent or treat infection. This is one of the reasons why makes a good deodorant - in rock form. 

It is frequently cited as a home remedy for canker sores and by pet owners who use alum to stem bleeding associated with animal injuries caused by improper nail clipping.

It is used in toothpaste (as a whitener) and can be dissolved in 5 parts water to shrink hemorrhoids and stop them from bleeding. I have also heard that the rocks can be shaped down and directly inserted for hemorrohoid treatment.

As you can see, this is a very versatile healing stone. If you want to keep some on hand, you should be able to find it rather easily in the grocery store's canning aisle as it is used in canning recipes to keep fruits and vegetables crisp. If you can't find it there, ebay is bound to have it. If you live in or near a Mexican-American community, go to the local hierba tienda (or herb store) or a grocery store that caters to the Hispanic community and you should have no problem finding this wonderful piedra alumbre.